
Registered Acupuncurists (R.Ac) are health care professionals
governed by the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists of BC. Acupuncture is a treatment in Chinese Medicine that uses sterile needles to help the body’s natural ability to heal itself. It was developed thousands of years ago and is still used today to help prevent and treat numerous ailments. Now, with Western Medicine showing interest in how and why acupuncture works, there are more studies backing up the effectiveness of acupuncture in our health care system.

Some treatment benefits of Acupuncture are to reduce pain and inflammation, speed recovery from injury, ease chronic migraines
and headaches, fight fatigue and increase energy, calm anxiety, improve sleep, regulate digestion, improve skin tone and more.

While acupuncture may not be known for preventative care, using acupuncture pre-emptively will help you fight off illness and help you recover more quickly. For optimal results, it is more effective to have consecutive treatments.

Treatment receipts are available for your extended health plan.

You can book online, by calling us, or by using our online form. If you are having trouble finding the day or time, length of treatment you want, or are looking for a last-minute booking, please call us, or use our online form and we will do our best to accommodate you.

Book Acupuncture Online


2.5 HOURS OF PURE BLISS - Only $310!
Enjoy a 30 minute Sauna followed by a 90 minute
Signature Massage AND a 30-minute Organic Facial

*Add a Luscious Lip & Bright Eye Treatment $40 and/or Hot Stones $30*

Indulge in a 30 minute Sauna followed by a
90 minute Thai or Acupressure Treatment